

Large new Red Naomi rose grower launched in Spain

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Today saw the official launch of Aleia Roses, a new rose brand and Red Naomi grower with a purpose-built new greenhouse and 14 hectares of land in Spain. With an investment of over €50 million, the company says it is generating 180jobs and envisages a production of 40 million roses to supply to the European market.

Aleia’s greenhouse project, known as Bionatur Roses, stands on 14 hectares of land in a small municipality in central-northern Spain, where its greenhouse is a glass structure that stands at a height of more than 7m (6.3m from the ground to the channel) and 143,000 square metres in area, claiming to be the largest in Europe.
The project says it combines the most innovative Dutch technology with the advantages of the Spanish climate and a clear commitment to sustainability and social service. Entrepreneur Luis Corella is behind the project. Luis has been using Dutch technology for cultivation for a long time, and his aim is to make Aleia a benchmark for excellence and sustainability by growing the most beautiful and perfect rose.

“We have designed the world’s most sophisticated greenhouse for the cultivation of the Red Naomi, a symbol of beauty and perfection among roses, by combining the most innovative Dutch technology with the privileged climate of Spain.”

Innovation, respect, passion and beauty are the four founding brand values of the new company.



Aleia Roses will be using part of the waste combustion gases from a nearby biomass plant as a source of energy. The company is designing a joint plan with the Gestamp Group, a company located in the same business park, to create a connection for both companies for the supply of heating. It will also be drawing on the CO2 emissions from the forest biomass plant boilers for rose cultivation, hence preventing the emission of gases into the atmosphere.
The necessary water will be pumped from the River Duero and from the rainwater collected in specially designed rain collection ponds.

 “We are working to preserve our natural resources, under the principles of sustainability and responsibility, and with the support of a human team that is committed to the project.”

Why Red Naomi?

With an expected production of 40 million roses, Aleia explain why Red Naomi is their pick of the crop, “The Red Naomi is considered to be the finest rose in the world, given the high quality of its attributes: perfect red colour, large number of petals, smooth and velvety surface, bright green foliage, rigid stem measuring between 60 and 90 centimetres, the slow opening of the flower, subtle aroma, great durability and a 10–14 day duration in the vase.”

Written by Hannah Dunne September 22, 2016

Full article: theflorist.co.uk/the-florist-magazine-news/1944-new-red-naomi-rose-grower-launched-in-spain-named-aleia-roses 

Watch corporate video Aleia Roses

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