We are looking for hands-on new colleagues for our international projects!

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  • JOBS

Professional and motivated employees are the pillars for achieving our strategic objectives.
We have short lines of communication and there is a no-nonsense culture. Dalsem is a company large enough to offer employees ample growth and career opportunities. The working conditions are of course excellent.

Please visit our website for our national or international listed jobs:
Or visit our Dutch page :

Interested in one of the above vacancies? 

More information can be requested during office hours. Please contact: Lisette Verhaegen (HR Manager) nr. +31 (0)15-269.5800 or send an email:

Send your application letter with CV by email: or by post.
Dalsem B.V.
Attn. Mrs. L. Verhaegen
Woudseweg 9, 2635 CG Den Hoorn, The Netherlands

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